Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weekly Prizes

A huge THANK YOU to those who have donated Gift Certificates and Prizes for the winners of the weekly challenges.
If any of you have something you would like to donate or a connection to a business that would like to donate e-mail me at We still have a few weeks left to come up with prizes for.

Week 1 Challenge: Get Movin'! (The Mile Challenge)

Every step counts. The purpose of this challenge is to get moving!

Week 1: The mile challenge.
Starting Monday, for 6 days, run/walk/jog a mile a day.
{This can be replaced by a 1/2 mile swim or 2 mile bike or elliptical}

Sounds simple enough, but remember this is your challenge, your competition. If walking 1 mile is easy, walk further or walk faster, jog it. If jogging it is easy, run it. If running is faster...sprint part of it! This biggest loser competition is about pushing yourself harder, finding some healthy consistency and getting results.

Breaking it up
Exercising at the same intensity everyday can wear you down. Break up your schedule by going hard one day and a little easier and longer the next.
Biggest Loser Club Fitness Tip #3

Remember this is only for 6 days. You can find time for a mile the next 6 days. On Monday, May 10th, when you report your week 2 weigh in, you will also report whether or not you completed your week 1 challenge.

If you complete the challenge and are the top loser of the week you will win the weekly prize!

More suggestions? Have advice on ways to get moving? Comment and share!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Getting Ready For the First Weigh In

With less than a week until our first weigh in, I'm sure we are all feeling a bit anxious to get the ball rolling. Just a few things to remember to keep in mind about the weigh in. Consistency with the weigh in is key. Try to weigh in at about the same time each Monday. Also, try to wear the same type of attire when you weigh in. Whether you be fully fitted for a run with the SAME shoes on for the duration of the 16 weeks, or getting ready to step into the shower in your birthday suit, be consistent. The scale also needs to be consistent. Whether you weigh in atPublix Grocery Store (for the Florida locals), or your personal scale in the privacy of your bathroom, use the same scale for the entire competition if possible. Last, if you are using a digital scale, I will take decimals. Especially if it's a .1 lb weight loss that is going to keep you motivated.

Unapproved Scales:
The celebrity scale: Who does your weight compare to?
The animal scale: Which animal do you match up to?...
The Toilet Scale: I don't think this is measuring exactly what we are looking for.

Sixteen weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things and I know we'll look back so glad that we made this commitment and stuck to it. I'm also excited that this is happening over the summer when there is so many options of activities to take advantage of to keep us active.

I was planning on using the blog to comment to one another on a weekly 'how are you doing' post to ask each other for advice, give helpful tips, etc. Question: Would you rather have a formal diet forum to set up a group and communicate? Sonia had suggested setting up a team at or you can set up a team at Or we can keep it simple with this blog. Let me know if that's something you want.