Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What have you learned?

Has the Food journaling been helpful at all? What have you learned? Comment and share!


  1. I have learned that I drink more diet dr. pepper than I thought I did...oops, and not near enough water! I also think I'm an anxious eater. If I paced or developed a nervous twitch, it would probably serve me better :)

  2. I find food journaling easy because I have already been keeping points on the Weight Watcher program. I do like having to jot down the time and where I am eating. This is great for all of us! I also keep track of my water intake because it has always been hard for me to remember to drink water. I am not a pop drinker so no problem there! Keep smiling...Keep walking! Linda W.

  3. I notice that I'm sore every morning - never thought about it before but in recording my feelings that has been a trend. I also recognized that the day I had a sald for lunch I couldn't quit snacking throughout the afternoon. Better re-think that idea!

  4. Well! I am definitely an anxious eater! I love having to journal my thoughts and feelings, it really makes me ask myself why I'm heading to the pantry! Thanks Beck!

  5. Hey guys~

    Wanted to thank a couple more donors for their generous donations for the weekly prizes! Thanks guys!

  6. I've learned that if I eat less it's easier to record! :)

  7. I'm with Natalia. The less I eat the less I have to record. This was a real challenge for me to record when what I was eating where I was eating and how was feeling. I realized that when I'm tired I over eat. Also, that I eat earlier in the day and less at night.
