Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Snack Attack!!

What are your favorite healthy snack addictions?
Here are some of mine:

Light Laughing Cow cheese wedge with fresh vegies (have the vegies chopped ready to go before they hit the fridge and you're more likely to reach for them when snacking)

Wasa crackers with natural Peanut butter and Splenda (or Truvia)
{My mom's not a fan of this, but I find it quite tasty}

Mozzarella part skim string cheese wrapped with sliced lean turkey breast and mustard

Fresh cucumber and tomatoes tossed with salt, pepper, and balsamic vinegar (also good on Cottage cheese

On the go:

Protein Bar/Fiber one Bar

V8 low sodium

Slim Fast/Muscle Milk Light

Can't go wrong with an apple. Cheap, crisp, refreshing.


  1. I love chomping on a cold, crisp apple in the afternoon, and I usually grab at least one or two handfulls of roasted almonds and pistachios! So goooood.
    I also love to eat the Publix sugar/fat free yogurt for either breakfast or a snack. Protein shakes (dark chocolate of course)are also part of my diet! I love all these things...

  2. Marilyn said.....
    I love to snack on the Weight Watchers 1 point Jolly Time 100 Calorie Healthy Pop,Popcorn. It is so yummy! Another one is having a bag of carrots, caulifour and celery cut up ready to grab right out of the bag.

  3. Marilyn said.... Yes I spelled Cauliflower wrong. What can I say, the laugh of the day.
    Have a good one.

  4. I would have to say my faves are string cheese, apple slices, almonds, and strawberries w/Publix fat free vanilla yogurt (that one makes a great breakfast, snack, or dessert!)

  5. Aside from a few other things that have already been mentioned (love Laughing Cow by the way - I always put mine on an apple) I like Rice Krispie treats. The little ones only have 90 calories and totally hit the spot late in the afternoon when I'm craving a 'treat'.

  6. My favorite thing that my wonderful mother got me hooked on is a blueberry protein shake. They're so good especially after you work out and you're craving something cold.
    1c milk
    1c frozen blueberries
    1 scoop vanilla protein
    (blended of course) they're amazing!!

  7. One of my very favorite snacks are the Quaker "Quakes" Rice Snacks. They come in all kinds of flavors--my favorite being the cheddar cheese. The great thing about them is you feel like you are eating a lot! A serving size is 9 pieces and that adds up to only 70 calories!
